How to get More Facebook Likes
With the new Facebook Timeline pages, business have ample landscape to dramatically market any themselves or brand. But what about likes? Everyone loves being popular and these signals tell others that you are a brand to believe in. In the early days you could simply suggest a company page to a couple of hundred friends and they’d all become a fan just out of interest. Now most clients and consumers expect a little something for that like and Facebook has stricter rules on sharing and messaging for brand pages.
I am going to share with you some simple but effective ways to get Facebook likes, some paid and some free strategies that we implement here for our clients. It’s vitally important that you have a plan for what you are going to do, set some goals on acquisition and what you plan to do with your likes and new friends after you receive them. Remember, Facebook its not just a tool to sell products, it is really about “being social” a give and take. I can’t stress that enough. Now lets jump into some tips…
1) Install Both Facebook Like & FB Chicklets to Your WebsiteThis is probably the single most effective thing that you could possibly do. The chances are that your website or blog already gets a decent amount of traffic and if people are on your site and like what they see there is a very good chance that they will indeed like you on Facebook, visit and post to your page. You can use this simple plugin if you are running WordPress to install the like and comments boxes for Facebook.
2) Modify Your Email Signature to Include Social MediaAlways include all of your social media accounts in your email signature. If your social media icons are there people will click through to your social media accounts almost automatically to make sure that they are connected with your social as well. People enjoy sharing their Facebook and Twitter accounts and will be sure to Friend you online if they see that you are engaged in Social media as well. In fact a company called made a complete Social CRM just to keep track of all your business peeps online.
3) Sync up those Social ProfilesTry and Enable sharing between social media accounts when ever possible, to ensure that users from other social media sites know you are on Facebook as well. Sending information back and forth from Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook will not only show your active but it will let people know you are on those other accounts as well. If you have a wee bit of tech knowledge in your back pocket you can try out one of my favorite tools for social triggers called
4) Utilize A Social Sharing NetworkWhat about a social sharing site for social media? WHATT!?!! yup, they exist. Websites like and are places where people share their own social networks to gain shares, likes and even bookmark webpages. This is a great time for social media account owners. These systems work off points and the more sharing and liking you do the more your page gets shared and liked. Make Sense?
5) Facebook Fan GateSetting up a Facebook fan gate is the best way to ensure new likes. A Fan gate only allows users who have “Liked” the page to view the content and setting up a fan gate as a landing page is a great way to get likes. As stated above this way of receiving likes, should offer something of value in return to the fan in the way of a coupon, a whitepaper, chance to win, ect. I utilize an app called to run contests and they have free trials and apps available.
6) Add Other Admins to the PageIf you have any friend with the gift of gab who happens to have a lot of friends on Facebook, you can invite them to be Admin of your business page. I work with a lot of business owners who allow me access to their pages and I have a network of friends that I can utilize online for new clients. These can really help the number of likes when your just getting started. Don’t be afraid to straight up ask others to come by and like your page, everyone starts at the same number.
7) Use of the Invite ButtonOnce you have those Admins on your Facebook Page, have them log in and make use of the Invite button. This will all your admins to invite all of their contact friends list into your fan page. This is really the only way to sync up your personal pages with a branded company fan page. You will see the invite function when you are logged in as an admin at the bottom right hand square under the title “Page Tips” you can scroll through multiple suggestions until you see the invite buttons with your current friends list.
8) Facebook Vanity URLThe Facebook Vanity URL allows Facebook pages to use a user name instead of a long user ID number which is impossible to remember. You can find this setting in Facebook under > Edit Page > Manage Permissions > Resources > Select A Username. Once you have this URL, “” you can easily market your new URL any place your website URL is, even
9) Buy Em
Well Heck your totally stuck and you got tons of money to spend. I jest, but if you just don’t have the time to market yourself and nothing is working you can just flat out buy the likes. I don;t recommend this practice too highly because of two reasons, A) they are not relevant to you and your company B) they appear out of nowhere and eveyone knows it. I don’t really have a source for this but if you Google, “Buy Facebook Likes” I am sure loads of results will come up willing to take cash for likes.
10) Run A Facebook Ad
I think if you are going to spend any money at all, why not buy an ad that goes directly to your fan page for exposure that is not only relevant but supper targeted. Facebook has an amazing platform for PPC and every demographic and category with in their ad placement system. Your ideal client is just one ad away from landing on your Facebook page. I have run both Google adWords and Facebook for my clients and I must say that Facebook is relatively cheap to market with that has extreme targeting capabilities for finding your prospects online. You can get started here with an ad on Facebook or give us a call to consult with us, we have Facebook Marketing Credits available.[/vc_column_text][stm_post_bottom][stm_post_about_author][stm_post_comments][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″ offset=”vc_hidden-sm vc_hidden-xs”][stm_sidebar sidebar=”527″][/vc_column][/vc_row]